SC Justices Threaten to Change Voter Law - Violation of Article 1 Section IV
Some conservative justices on the United States Supreme Court are threatening to change the Pennsylvania law on voting after the fact. Of the three separate branches of the Federal Government described in the Constitution, the only branch that is specifically empowered to do that is the congress. Article I section IV provides, “The time place and manner of holding elections for senators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legislative thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations…” By all rules of interpretation, only congress can change state rules. The Congressional power is exclusive. Substituting the opinions of five justices for the decision of both houses of Congress concerning state voting rules shows a lack of respect for the founders of our country who thought otherwise. There are many other prudential rules, which should convince those justices to not give the election to Donald Trump. 1. They should care abo...